to our dog and her own
Our Dog
Zikita is 6 year old,
and a mix between
Rottweiler and Schäfer
(german shepherd dog).
She is a dog with a
comfortable size.
She must have a lot
excersice and also
rather much
mental gymnatsic to feel
good and grow.
Since all in our family
enjoy to play with her,
work with her and
in different ways, she
suit us just perfect.
She also is a very kind
and caring familymember,
and as every other dog,
she enjoy a good walk
and some mischief.
She loves to and play
hide and seek (for
She also love to fetch
things, whatever it
might be to fetch.
We are all members of
her pack, and she
respect and protect
everyone of us.
That is something that I
find very important for
me as a mother of three.
To give her and take
things from her is
a part of all this that
I find important.
And we have necer had a
problem with that.
Everyone in the family
can feed her,
take a ball or something
else from her, and tell
her what to do.
Also my only 5 year old
boy can manage that
without any problem.
She don't become
disobedient as long as
we don't ask her
for something all to
impossible, for example
- "stop hunting that
rabbit !"
She never growl at us.
She never bite, she
don't even think of it.
But maybe that is
because we have learn
how she talk to us,
and how to behave with
I have had a dog since I
was a baby.
And I learned very well
from my parents how to
act and care for a dog.
She also stay as close
to the door out as
since she don't want to
mis a walk or a visitor
If I am the only one
home with Zikita,
I can see at her who
it's of the
that is coming outside
our door. It's very fun.
I guess we sound
different as we walk.
I also think that our
keys sound different.
For the moment she is
mostly happy when our
little boy
is coming home from
daycare. They sure love
each other !
When my daughter comes
home she becomes almost
as much happy.
How she react when I am
on my way home - I don't
But I sure know that she
are very happy when I
opened upp the door.
I can hear her
happywhining (no bark)
before I opened up the
front door.
She behave very fun
sometimes. She love to
chase the flashlight
(and ones the car lights
also - but then I shout
to her, )
(and she return and
wagged her tail very
much. )
(I couldn't possible be
angry at her then.)
She also love to fetch
things in the water.
Therefor we often swim
where it's allowed to
our own "beach" and
there dogs are allowed
to swim.
The breeds in her mix
both love water and to
The mix also inspires to
respect her.
She is rather big about
70 cm, and people often
Rottweiler and Schäfer
with a police dog.
But not even me
challenge a dog who
growl or show up his/hers