Celebration ! 7 years on the web !




To my Jubileum pages.


This page is made because I want to let You

take a peek of my oldest pages, the one I made

seven years ago and the rest that have come since 1999.

This was the year when I made my first homepage.

I haven't translate it into english (Inever did)

but maybe some day in the future I'll translate it.

Not until 2002 I start to translate my homepage,

and my kids homepages into english.

And since then I've translate our pages into english,

and I still do.



I made my first homepage in the spring in 1999.

While the years moved on I change to suit my

imagination of a nice page and also to suit into

the seasonal changes.

In the later part of 2000 and the beginning of 2001,

I tried to translate my homepage into english too,

just to make it easier for everyone else who

don't read or speak Swedish, but english,

to visit my page and understand what was about.

But not until 2002 it was completely translated into English.

Since then I've going on doing a English, and a Swedish page.

And now when I decide to make this nostalgic tour around

at my old pages, I has to admit that I become

a little bit sentimental too.


But the only thing I do now when I take this decision

is to keep the intern link between my and

my familys own pages working.

Therefor it might be some broken links in

the old pages of mine.

Some pages don't exist anymore,

and some pages has change their address.


But if You want to, You are more than welcome to

let me know when You find this broken links.

Just email me the page address they are on and

I'll try to make it work again.

And You never know,

maybe one day I decide to give

every page a total new and updated refreshing.


Well then, I'm not going to get bored to You.

Therefor I let You take a tour around at my pages,

and see them for Yourself !

Enjoy Your stay !



In swedish only


In swedish only



In swedish only