This is something that belongs to Christmastime.


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This might be some interesting things to read about gingerbread.

There are a lot of pages about this lovely cookies,

but still I decide to do my own one.

Information is to be found at the web and

in some of the many lexicon there is.



The History of Gingerbreads

The gingerbread bisquitis one of our oldest pastry.

The first gingerbread bisquits wasn't brown as we are use to see them.

They was white.

As early as 1300 century the history tells us that

they baked this gingerbread bisquits to Mr Magnus Eriksson to his wedding.

During 1400 century they was usual at Vadstena Convent.

It's told that the Nuns ate gingerbread bisquits if they had problems with their stomach.

The spicy bisquits was ment to have a very positiv medicine effect.

Some history tells us that the gingerbread bisquit originally are from Germany,

and still at the 1500 century we imported gingerbread bisquits to Sweden.


In the Middle ages there really where pepper in the gingerbread bisquit.

But from the 1700 century the baker don't use pepper in the gingerbread bisquit.




The Gingerbread bisquits of today

In the beginning the gingerbread bisquits where white,

but they coloured with colouring essence.

DThe brown colour that we are used to see them in

became popular in the middle of 1800 century.

The cookies from 18800 century did get their colour from cinnamon that was added to the recipe.


Nowadays the most important ingredients

are cinnamon, ginger, clove and seville.

Instead of sugar one use syrup and maybe a little bit sugar to make them sweet.

To help theese gingerbread bisquits to ferment, one use bicarbonate.


IToday it's popular to eat gingerbread bisquits the whole year around.

But when Christmastime clooses up, the selling rase a lot.

In many houses the family and kids make their own gingerbread bisquits.

There are also some competions for gingerbread houses.

Here in Sweden we have one exhibition that are going on

until the 17th of December at the museum of Architecture in Stockholm.














